Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Google Quality Score Guidelines Demystified...

It finally happened...

Game over...

No dice.

Google pulled the plug on a huge portion of the Internet marketing community...

After years of slaps... sometimes ruthless bans... they've now gone over the edge.

"No More AdWords For You..."

You see, in the past when Google has struck...

There had been... for the most part... a reasonable "fix" to the problem.

Today, the most recent changes seem completely random... and the folks who used to have answers don't this time around.

Luckily... you're not out of luck.

Google hasn't completely lost their minds...

There is rhyme and reason to their actions.

From my tests and what little information I have been able to get from my contacts in Google (starting even before this latest change)...

I put together what was originally an internal document for my team.

It contains the "Dos" and "Don'ts" to what AdWords is after.

Now, it's not perfect. Google is a seemingly strange and misunderstood beast.

However... I have not seen anybody else talk about these keys inside...

And we have had a lot of success with them...

Can You Say 10/10 Quality Scores?


Get the full-scope by reading the report below...

Click Here To Read It.

It's completely free. There's nothing to buy inside.

However, I do ask that if you've found this report useful... or you have a tip to contribute... you leave a comment below.

Let's start a positive discussion we can all learn from.

My hope is that AdWords goes from a mystery... to a reasonable behemoth who just doesn't know how to tell us what it wants in a clear way.

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